S.C.A. Fortis

This is S.C.A. Fortis! The Student CrossFit Association of Tilburg. We spoke with the president, Sari. CrossFit is an incredibly versatile sport that helps you become an all-around athlete. How do you achieve that at Fortis? Together! After all, training is more enjoyable when you do it together. That's a top priority for this association. And after such a workout? You go home exhausted but with a sense of accomplishment. However, it's not just about training. No, on the contrary: there are social gatherings, activities, and friendships are built. Perhaps the most beautiful thing is the strong emphasis on internationalization. There's a place for everyone at Fortis! Curious about this association? Read on.

Who are you, and what do you do at Fortis?

"I am Sari Pastoor, 25 years old, and I have been living in Tilburg for about three years. In the past year, I served as the president of the student sports association S.C.A. Fortis. This entailed being responsible for leading the board, chairing board meetings, and overseeing our committees. I was also the primary point of contact for external partners, such as the Tilburg University sports center and collaborators. These responsibilities are part-time, alongside pursuing a Research Master in Linguistics. In my opinion, a board position is a fantastic balance between academic and social life, allowing personal and social development and making a meaningful impact on many students in Tilburg."

What is Fortis at its core?

"Fortis is a student sports association. We have been in existence for almost 2.5 years and have around 90 members. Within Fortis, we practice the sport of CrossFit, which combines weightlifting, gymnastics, and athletics. Our sport is incredibly versatile, meaning that each training session is different, and it allows you to develop as an all-around athlete. We always train in a group, but the workouts are performed individually or in buddy form. This makes our association unique: everyone can participate, you always train with others, and you are always challenged at your own level. What we value most is that everyone, regardless of their level, can train together!"

Hoe ziet een training bij Fortis eruit?

Elke avond worden er trainingen aangeboden vanuit Fortis voor leden en niet-leden. Je kunt ons wel eens hebben zien trainen op het bootcampveldje of in T-Kwadraat. We horen vaak dat het er ‘intimiderend’ uit ziet. “Fortis? Dat is alleen voor mensen die al veel sportervaring hebben…”. Niets is minder waar! Ieder onderdeel, maar dan ook écht ieder onderdeel van een training kan aangepast worden op jouw niveau. Je hoeft nooit iets te doen wat je niet chill vindt! Onze trainingen hebben een vaste structuur. We beginnen altijd met een opwarming, waarna er een deel van de les wordt besteed aan krachttraining. Dit kunnen squats of deadlifts zijn, maar ook snatches en clean & jerks. Daarna doen we altijd een WOD (workout of the day). Door de diversiteit in onze sport, verschilt de inhoud van deze WOD altijd. Eén ding is zeker: je bent helemaal afgepeigerd en voldaan als je klaar bent. We eindigen met wat stretches en kletsen nog wat na.”

Wat typeert een gemiddeld Fortis lid?

“Naast sportiviteit, typeren Fortis leden zich door hun openheid en enthousiasme. Ik kan me nog zo goed mijn eerste trainingen bij Fortis herinneren. Ik kende niemand, en wist niet wat de sport inhield. Vanaf het eerste moment kwamen mensen naar me toe; “Is er iets waar ik je mee kan helpen”, “Hoe ging de workout bij jou?”. In de groepsapp worden – naast de georganiseerde activiteiten door de AC – veel activiteiten geïnitieerd. Samen zwemmen, borrelen, fietsen, eten, en ga zo maar door. Fortis is een plek waar ik me vanaf moment 1 welkom voelde, als een warm bad. Ik vind regelmatig sporten en een gezonde levensstijl heel belangrijk, en bij Fortis kan ik dat volledig combineren met een bruisend sociaal leven. Het zien ontstaan van vriendschappen binnen onze vereniging is geweldig! “

Wat is jouw hoogtepunt bij Fortis?

“Stel me alsjeblieft niet de vraag een hoogtepunt op te noemen van mijn tijd bij Fortis… die zijn er te veel! Van een ijskoude duik nemen in de Piushaven, cantus in een rijdende huifkar, het kleine kind uithangen bij JumpSquare, borrelen bij onze thuishaven Café Polly Maggoo, dansen op de TUC, of onze CoBo… stuk voor stuk herinneringen waar ik ongetwijfeld later nog steeds met een big smile op terugkijk.”

That's what makes our association unique: Everyone can participate, and you always train with others!

How do you envision Fortis in the future?

"During our short existence, we have experienced significant growth and established ourselves as a full-fledged and active student sports association that can compete with longer-standing associations. Our goal is to continue to sustain this growth. Providing a variety of training options, professionalizing our programming, and training our instructors are all crucial aspects. We are also in discussions with the Sports Center to create our own training location with more equipment and opportunities. However, just as important is that our members feel connected to the association and can grow alongside Fortis. Everyone has the opportunity to be involved and develop themselves in any area, whether actively participating in a committee or enjoying various activities. We are grateful for all our members, and we hope they feel the same way."

How do you deal with internationalization?

"Fortis considers it important that international students can find their place in Tilburg. All our classes are conducted in English, and English is used in our group chats. Many international students have mentioned that they found a place within Fortis and made connections that have made their time in Tilburg unforgettable. Moreover, international and Dutch students fully integrate within our association. It's not something to be taken for granted, but it's fantastic to see!"

So, a trial lesson?

"If you have a subscription at the Sports Center, just come and join us! You can sign up for 'Crosstraining' through the SC app. If you need more information about our classes and schedules or if you just want to get a feel for the atmosphere within our association, feel free to check out our Instagram @scafortis or visit our website at https://scafortis.nl/. If you have any questions, just send a message on Instagram or an email to chairman@scafortis.nl. I'd be happy to respond!"

"See you during the training!"