Jobs with Impact

Tilburg. Here  for you! Both during your student years and afterwards, this city is ready to welcome you with open arms. That's why we proudly introduce: 'Jobs with Impact'. An initiative to cherish and retain the talent of Tilburg. After all, why would you leave when Tilburg has so much to offer? Curious to discover what Tilburg has to offer in the form of a student job? Click here!


Tilburg is no longer the same city as when you started studying. The city is in transition: striking architecture, creative art installations, and cozy coffee hotspots stand out. Combined with new educational programs and innovative companies, Tilburg is being put on the map. And the best part? There's plenty of space for you to make your mark. With 'Jobs with Impact', you get the chance, even during your studies, to make a difference. And once you've got a taste for it? Tilburg is ready to shape the future together with you.




It refers to a study-related part-time position, perfect to combine with your studies: think of a role as a working student. The roles range between 8 and 24 hours per week, with a lot of flexibility. This gives you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and learn a lot. Job openings are shared in a special WhatsApp group. Want to stay updated on these opportunities? Join the group through this link.

Through JOBS WITH IMPACT, I got to know companies in Tilburg and learned what is all possible in the digital sector.


Jobs with Impact offers you the opportunity to learn to work while making an impact at the same time. As you explore the world of Tilburg's businesses, you get the chance to learn and simultaneously make a difference. As a student, you dive right into practice, giving you an immediate taste of the dynamics of business processes. This way, you discover your passions and the company cultures that resonate with you. But 'Jobs with Impact' goes further. You not only create value for the company but also for our Tilburg community. Here in Tilburg, we have a special way of doing things: with care for one another and always with the bigger picture in mind. Amidst this interplay of learning, working, and making an impact, one thing is certain: Tilburg. Here for you. 


The most beautiful part is that you can be at the forefront of a new movement in Tilburg. It is becoming the city in the Netherlands where we innovate with a focus on people. Thanks to our colleges and universities, we have expertise in, among others, AI, Data Science, ICT, and New Media Design. This is exactly what companies are looking for as they embrace the digital transformation. With 'Jobs with Impact', we connect this talent early on to local businesses, giving you the immediate opportunity to put your knowledge into practice for society.