This week, we spoke with the study association INPUT. This association consists of students from both the bachelor's and master's programs in Dutch Human Resources Studies and English Human Resources Studies. It is a diverse group that sometimes feels more like a group of friends than a study association. They organize various activities, both formal and informal, sometimes specifically for first-year students or international students. This year, they introduced a new committee, the ConneCie, which focuses on organizing activities with other associations to build a larger, more vibrant network where students can benefit even after graduation. 


INPUT is the study association for the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Dutch Human Resources Studies and English Human Resources Studies. The members of the association are very diverse; in addition to sharing the same study and association, many people are involved in sports or belong to a fraternity/sorority of another association. People are very open, and everyone is welcome.

You can be a passive or active member of INPUT. Active members participate in one or more committees and organize various activities. Both active and passive members are welcome to attend these activities, receive discounts, and have access to study summaries.

All members are welcome at the INPUT room. Between classes, people come here for socializing, a cup of coffee, and to catch up. It's also a handy place to share tips with each other.


Members have the opportunity to join various committees. In the photo, we see the Congress Committee; they organize various formal activities such as company visits, talks by different speakers about their work, or workshops, for example, on LinkedIn.

Additionally, there's the Camp Committee (CampCie), which arranges a member's weekend for all active members. During this weekend getaway, there's a fun game afternoon, shared meals, and, of course, lively celebrations. There's also a weekend specifically designed for first-year students to get acquainted with INPUT.

Throughout the year, we also organize various activities, ranging from cooking together, trying out different sports, to an international trip with a boat tour, watching sports, and, above all, lots of fun and camaraderie.

Actually, it's just a large group of friends who happen to be studying the same subject.

Friend Group

With approximately 90 active members, INPUT sometimes feels a bit like a large friend group or a family. Everyone knows each other well, and you often see the same people at activities. Even outside of the organized events, members frequently interact with each other.

What can sometimes happen in larger associations, where things become a bit impersonal, is not the case here. Of course, there are a few smaller groups, but, in general, everyone gets along very well. One member says, "I couldn't wish for anything more. INPUT is like a family, and there's not much that needs to change."

Being part of this friend group often continues to be valuable after completing your studies. It provides not only meaningful friendships but also a personal and professional network.


Many of the active members are currently Dutch, but we are actively trying to involve international students. Our study association also includes an English-language program. It would be a bit unfair if someone feels excluded just because they happen to be from another country, of course.

The activity in the photo was specifically organized by the board for international students. Playing pool seems to be an activity that international students enjoy, providing them with a platform where their voices are heard, ensuring everyone feels welcome.

Fortunately, it seems to be working, as we have seen an increase in the number of international students becoming active members and joining committees this year.


This is a new committee this year that we are proud of, the ConneCie. This committee will collaborate with other study associations to organize activities.

In previous years, there were often ideas for this, but they were never really implemented. That's why a special committee was set up for it this year. There's already a super fun date dinner planned, and we've discussed some ideas with other associations.

We hope that the ConneCie will open many doors and aid in integrating with other associations. This way, members can start building connections for the future and contribute to a broad network.
