Asset General

Meet Asset. This is one of the largest study associations in Europe. Yes, you heard that right, Europe. With almost 6000 passive members, including 800 active members, it's no surprise. Asset focuses on three pillars: social cohesion, study support, and career development, and you can see that in everything they do. However, this association is more than that. We had a conversation with Ilayda and Shaye, and they told us all the ins and outs of Asset and its departments. Read on for more.

Who are you, and what do you do at Asset?

"I'm Ilayda, and I am the chairman of Asset. In that role, I am responsible for the 'Internal Affairs' and 'External Affairs' towards the university and other associations, both in Tilburg and nationally. I'm also here to make policies and ensure that they are implemented."

"I'm Shaye, and I am the Public Relations Coordinator and Vice-Chairman of Asset. My tasks mainly involve contact with our regular bar, organizing the TOP Week, and setting up all major events. I also coordinate all the Vice-Chairmans."

What is Asset at its core?

"Asset stands for Association for Students Studying Economics in Tilburg. It's a very fitting abbreviation for an economic study association. In total, we have 800 active members."

"Then you have Asset General, which is the outward-facing part and exists as an entity with statutes. Under that, we have departments, which are divided by study direction. The MAK and the EBT also fall under Asset General. We focus on three pillars: 'social cohesion,' 'study support,' and 'career development.'"

"We have aspects that can resemble a student association, such as informal activities, but we also pay equal attention to the formal side through career events."

"We have activities that we do with the entire faculty, such as the COdE cantus at Vidar. We also have activities for each study direction, organized by various departments for all study directions."

What is the structure of Asset?

"For each study direction, there is a department, such as IBA, Strategic Management, and Econometrics. There are a total of seven departments, each with its own board. All the presidents of the department boards are also part of the Asset General board. They have a different role than president. They are responsible for all equivalent roles in all departments. So, it's a rather complicated setup!"

We have aspects that can resemble a student association, such as informal activities, but we also pay equal attention to the formal side through career events.

What is the formal and informal side of Asset?

"From Asset General, we've taken a step back from the formal side because there are already many formal events organized. However, we do have different events like the Warandelezing, Food for Thought, and the EBT. The interesting aspect of the formal side is that it's related to the field of study. This makes it more relevant and enjoyable for the students because it aligns with their interests. The departments know what is needed and what is relevant."

"On the Asset General level, we have a cantus twice a year, specifically the COdE cantus. It's the biggest and most enjoyable informal event. It's a way for the members who have been very active within Asset to get something back from us for their hard work. We also have an annual gala, various parties, and an internal football match between the departments. The competition can be fierce but it's a lot of fun. At the department level, there are numerous events tailored to specific studies."

What characterizes an Asset member?

"It varies greatly. For example, we have board members who are part of a student association and a fraternity. They fully embrace the student life. However, there are also plenty of people who are very focused on the business side. They are more involved in formal committees. In that sense, there isn't a typical Asset member. Everyone does what they want. Whatever you want, you will find a place and connection."

"Anything is allowed and possible with us, but you have to take the initiative yourself. There's plenty of opportunity and space, but you have to invest your own energy."

Could you tell us about your regular bar?

"We have our own bar, 'De Vrienden van Tilburg.' There's also a committee there, 'Vrienden van Asset,' that serves the drinks. We organize parties there from time to time."

"We have three major parties there each year. The best part is the 'Asset Café.' It's open every Monday, and, for example, there are special beers on tap for only €2 if you're an Asset member. So, the prices are very reasonable if you're an Asset member. It's really great there."

What are the differences between passive and active membership?

"Membership in Asset is recommended. You pay a one-time fee of €15 and receive an Asset card. With that card, you can get a lot of discounts in Tilburg throughout the year. We constantly negotiate deals."

"As a passive member, you can attend most of our parties, except for the COdE cantus. As a passive member, you don't do much else, but you can participate."

"Active members are involved in committees. The main difference from passive members is that active members get to attend the COdE cantus as a thank-you and, of course, they participate in committees. You'll also find that active members truly build a group of friends. They form a tight-knit circle of friends. For instance, they go on weekend trips together. It doesn't feel like an obligation. You do what you want and what you enjoy. Being an active member, you really make friends!"

With active membership, you truly make lifelong friends!

How has the board year been so far?

"It's been a lot of fun. It does come with its challenges. You're essentially working 40 hours a week in the office, but in the evenings, you're still involved with Asset. So, it's more than a 40-hour workweek, but I must say that it's very enjoyable. The evening activities are not mandatory, so you can manage to stick to a 40-hour workweek."

"For me personally, it's been a really enjoyable year. You start during the summer vacation, and you're thrown right into the deep end. You have a lot of energy and want to take on everything. Plus, you make new friends right away. I find the balance between the business side and the informal side really enjoyable."

"The advantage of Asset is that each department has its own board, but it's also very enjoyable to interact with those boards. We all share the same corridor and floor. It can be hard work at times, but it's also a lot of fun!"

What are the highlights in a year?

"CODE is definitely one of the most enjoyable things, for everyone within Asset. Personally, it's really the first time that you're organizing a formal event. If it goes well, it's an amazing experience."

"The pre-carnival party is also a highlight. There were a lot more registrations than usual. It was very crowded, and we really enjoyed that. On the formal side, the highlights are when you make strategic choices with your board. You put in a lot of hours, and when those choices turn out well, it's really great to see."

"Additionally, it's always fantastic to see certain things we suggest being adopted by the university. We have some influence. Our opinions are considered. We get to interact with people in higher positions. Normally, you wouldn't have that kind of access to them. Now you do, and that's cool."

What are the plans for the future?

"Asset, in 5 years, is still one of the largest in Europe, as far as we're concerned. The faculty is growing, and we want to grow with it. New programs are being introduced, and we want to adapt to those changes. It's a matter of sustainable growth. We need to be able to offer students something."

"For example, we'd love to have a larger COdE cantus. It's currently held at Vidar every year, which is great, but it's just a bit too small. There are waiting lists. So, a larger COdE cantus would be great."

"For the rest, everything is running smoothly in my opinion. It's crucial to consider what the students themselves want. We can have ambitions, but ultimately, we want to respond to the needs that are there. I think sustainable growth is the most important thing."

Interested in learning more about Asset? Then take a look at the website!