
Student association Totus, the association for all students of Avans Tilburg. Unity, justice, and camaraderie are the core values around which this association, comprised of 8 fraternities, revolves. With a society beneath Avans, it's not just about partying on Thursday evenings but also about being able to drop by the association any day for a cup of coffee, a toastie, or even a beer to wrap up your study day. Curious to learn more about Totus? Keep reading!

The association

Totus is the student association in Tilburg for Avans students. At Avans Tilburg, there are 5 different programs: Architecture, Construction Management, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Spatial Development.

At Totus, 3 words take center stage: unity, justice, camaraderie. These pillars are also displayed on the wall, symbolizing what the association stands for.

Something unique about this association is that the board changes every six months. This makes it more accessible to take up a position in the board. It also facilitates the influx of new ideas, as every six months there are 5 new people full of fresh energy, which invigorates the association.

Fraternities and Committees

Totus consists of 8 different fraternities, 5 for gentlemen and 3 for ladies. Each fraternity has its own atmosphere. If you don't wish to be part of a fraternity, you can also join a year club.

During the first few weeks of the school year, the 'opentijd' or open period, everyone is welcome at the society and its parties. After the open period, the society is only accessible to members. During this time, new members spend the 'A-time' getting to know the different fraternities. Then, new members are asked to join the fraternities, and after completing an initiation, they become official members of the fraternity.

Moreover, anyone can sign up for one of the committees. This year, in addition to the regular committees, there's the lustrum committee because Totus is celebrating its 35th anniversary.

The Clubhouse

The location of the clubhouse/society is unique! In the basement beneath the Avans school building in Tilburg, the various fraternities of Totus gather every Thursday evening. Additionally, it's open every day from 10 am to 6 pm for members, offering a place for a cup of coffee, socializing, and from 3 pm onwards, a beer. During the day, there are several couches, a football table, and a pool table available. On Thursday evenings, the furniture is cleared away, and the pool table transforms into a dance floor.

Furthermore, occasionally, teachers also drop by for a Friday afternoon drink or a cup of coffee. It's great that we can be connected with the school in this way. Even at our annual Christmas party, teachers are welcome to join us.

Because we can hang out together in the society during the day as well, we pretty much know everything about each other. That has its pros and cons, but it makes things much more enjoyable


Throughout the year, there are various parties held at the society, including a few open events where non-members are also welcome.

It's a tradition to host the 'tropical surprise' party during the open period. We can't give away much about this party—after all, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore—but it's always something special.

Additionally, we have several standard parties throughout the year, such as the Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) celebration, where the chairman traditionally dresses up as Sinterklaas, and the fraternities draw lots and write poems for each other.


Annually, Totus organizes a business day for Avans, for which there's a dedicated committee. It's a great opportunity for companies and students to get to know each other and establish connections. More than 30 companies participate on this day, providing students with opportunities for internships, graduation projects, or part-time jobs.

Moreover, we also have our annual social weekend. It's a weekend designed especially for first-year students to get to know each other and the association better. During the social weekend, the new board is also officially introduced to the new members.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, this year, there's the ROTC committee again, exploring opportunities for Totus members to participate in the Race of the Classics: the largest student sailing event in Europe.
