Study association POLIS is for the programs of Organizational and Management Sciences and Global Management of Social Issues. However, other students may know this association from the Stadhuisstraat cantus they organize every year. It's a kind of mini-festival organized by the Event Committee and is also open to other associations. Additionally, this association goes on trips several times a year, hosts a Super Tuesday, business dinner, and a Get to Know Polis Day. There's something for every type of student. If you want to get to know Polis better, read on.

The association

POLIS is the study association for two different programs: Organizational and Management Sciences and Global Management of Social Issues. However, others may know this association from the Stadhuisstraat cantus. This is the largest public event organized by POLIS, attracting approximately 500 students. This cantus is arranged by the Event Committee, one of the most sought-after committees within the association.

There are 14 other formal and informal committees where you can organize one or more events throughout the year in a small group. Joining a committee is a way to get to know the association, but it also helps you meet new people and make friends easily.

Super Tuesday

Another exciting event is Super Tuesday. This is the last event of the year, just before the summer vacation, and it is always grandly organized, bringing many members together. The Sports Committee organizes this event with various games and a barbecue.

On this day, we also unveil our POLIS promotional gadget. The Promotion Committee comes up with a new gadget each year that people can order and receive during Super Tuesday. Last year, it was POLIS slippers with socks. What it will be this year is still a surprise, of course!

Especially for all these different committees, there is the Battle Committee. This committee arranges challenges between committees, allowing them to earn points, and at the end of the year, there is a winning committee.

Get To Know The Association Day 

Since this year, we've introduced the 'Get To Know The Association Day.' This day is specially designed for first-year students and has an informative first part, followed by a BBQ to conclude the day. During the day, we had a Kahoot quiz about POLIS, one of our partner companies set up a game, and there were some senior members present to provide a genuine insight into the association. Members shape the association, so it's great for first-year students to connect with them right away. When they attend future events, they'll recognize people as well.

Additionally, we've implemented a buddy system where non-members, first-year students, or international students who have never been active members can sign up to be paired with a senior member to attend events together. The senior members help newcomers cross the threshold and can provide information about our traditions, among other things.

I'm not sure if a cantus on the street is possible in other cities or not, but I always find it beautiful that it's allowed in Tilburg.

Business Diner

Furthermore, we host a Business Dinner every year. This event is organized by the Master Committee, specifically for master's students who are exploring their career options after graduation. During the Business Dinner, students sit at tables with professionals from various companies, and with each course, they switch tables to interact with representatives from different companies. So, by the end of the evening, students have spoken with everyone. Sometimes, companies also give presentations in between to provide more information.

For companies, this is a great opportunity to showcase their business to students. Since it mainly attracts master's students and third-year undergraduates, it's not uncommon for attendees to have job interviews on the spot or even receive job offers. That's why there is a strong collaboration with companies from the Tilburg region.


Every year, with POLIS, we also go on various trips. One of these trips is the Stip (Study Trip), which offers a beautiful blend of the formal and informal aspects that POLIS has to offer. Before the trip, you start by preparing a paper and writing about a research question. During the trip, we visit around 5 to 6 companies where we engage in discussions.

Apart from the company visits, we also have time to go to the beach, do a pub crawl, and we all stay together in a hostel or accommodation, creating a very enjoyable and friendly atmosphere.

Additionally, we organize excursions where we go away for one night to destinations like Germany, Belgium, France, somewhere relatively nearby. This makes it a more accessible trip to cater to students who may not be able to join the Stip.
