Omnia Bèta

Study association Omnia Bèta is for all future teachers in the subjects of mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, and social skills. With various educational and recreational activities such as lectures on job applications, a pub quiz with an original prize, or a cozy party, Omnia Bèta offers a nice balance between studying, teaching practice, and socializing. Want to know more about this association? Keep reading!


Approximately 150 students are members of Omnia Bèta, the association for all students of the Fontys Teacher Programs in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, and social skills.

Being a member of this association allows you to quickly get to know new people, not only from your own program but also from other programs affiliated with Omnia Bèta. Additionally, members receive discounts on study materials and at various places in the city, making the student life a bit more affordable.

What makes this association special is that there are also a number of teachers who are members. They enjoy contributing to our study association and, for example, assist in presenting the pub quiz.


In addition to major events like the gala with other associations, we also organize educational events. These events are intended to complement what we may not fully learn during our education. Think of extra lectures on mental health or sessions from the HALT bureau.

In the photo, you see a lecture on job applications that we organized in collaboration with our sister associations. From the first year onward, students have internships at high schools, so finding internships is essential.

Not only through the lectures do we assist our members in becoming good teachers. Many senior students also share tips with the freshmen about doing internships, standing in front of the class, and all the exciting aspects that come with it. We've all experienced those situations, and it's comforting to support each other through them.

It's nice that the conversation about becoming a teacher can take place, and that, as students, you can also share the struggles with each other


Apart from the educational aspect of the association, it's also a place for students to come together and enjoy some camaraderie. We organize various recreational activities such as game nights, themed parties, and pub quizzes.

During the pub quiz, the knowledge our members acquire during their studies often comes in handy. We also host an end-of-year quiz that covers all the topics from the past year.

Another fun and accessible activity is the game night, as seen in the photo. This event takes place at the Fontys campus, where people can drop by freely and choose whether they want to participate in a game or stay for the entire evening. The association provides some food and drinks during this gathering.


Together with our sister associations, G.D. Herodotus and Lingua, we also organize various joint activities. One of these activities is our annual gala, which always draws a good attendance.

Herodus is the study association for subjects such as Geography, History, Civic Education, Religious Studies, and Economics. Lingua represents programs in Spanish, German, French, Dutch, and English.

The enjoyable part of organizing joint activities with these associations is that our members get to meet new people, and we can set up larger-scale activities, even on an educational level, since we all study to become teachers.


Of course, at Omnia Bèta, we also throw parties. In the photo, you can see everyone dressed up as something starting with the first letter of their name, a fun way to get to know new members. This was facilitated by a game where names were matched, and tasks were performed together.

The fact that everyone within the association gets to know each other so well also comes in handy during academic queries at times. Our association is actually a large group filled with knowledge from all the science subjects. Members studying to become math teachers, for instance, assist physics students with mathematical questions.

Our big dream is to someday go on a trip with the association. For language programs, this is logical, but there's also a rich history in science subjects. For instance, we would love to visit Italy again.
