

Lacoste is one of the largest student sports associations in Tilburg. Regardless of your tennis level, you are welcome to join training sessions, participate in tournaments, or simply enjoy the camaraderie. Every Wednesday evening is club night, where after a session of tennis, everyone gathers in the clubhouse for a lively celebration. Furthermore, Lacoste organizes four tournaments - LUST, LOT, TSTK, and Beach - showcasing the convivial atmosphere of Brabant to other associations. Curious to learn more about this association? Read on!

The association

With over 550 members, Lacoste is one of the largest student sports associations in Tilburg. It doesn't matter whether you're good at tennis or not. Some members come to improve their tennis skills, while others have been playing their whole lives. If you want to join for the camaraderie, you are also warmly welcome. Besides tennis, there are plenty of other activities to participate in.

With 14 different committees, involving more than 100 of our members, we organize various tournaments, activities, and club nights. The four tournaments we host each have their own committee: LUST (Lacoste Exchange Student Tournament), TSTK (Tilburg Student Tennis Championships), LOT (Lacoste Open Tournament), and Beach (Dutch Beach Tennis Championship).

Club Nights

On Wednesday evenings, we have our club night. While you can attend training sessions through the sports center, Wednesdays are reserved exclusively for our members. You can choose to participate in beginner training or join a friendly match. At the end of the evening, we all gather in the clubhouse to turn it into great party.

The final club night before summer is the Wimbledon Club Night. Everyone dresses in white, just like at the real Wimbledon tournament, and strawberries with cream are served, just as at Wimbledon. During this event, the announcement of the new board members takes place—an excellent last club night before the summer begins!


In the photo, you see one of our first-year activities from last year. Every year, there are four first-year activities to get to know Lacoste and each other better. These activities are spread throughout the year because you can actually become a member at any time. You can always join in for tennis.

Furthermore, every year, we also go on a winter sports trip with Lacoste. While tennis is not played there, many of our members find this to be a very enjoyable trip to take with the association.

Additionally, we organize the Dutch Beach Tennis Championship (NK Beach Tennis) every year. We are the only ones who have it, so it happens annually with us. It's essentially like beach volleyball but with tennis, and it takes place on the beach volleyball courts.


"We have the warmth of Brabant, and you can indeed sense that other associations, such as those from Leiden or Groningen, come to our tournaments for that reason."

External Tournaments

In addition to the tournaments we organize ourselves, there are also various tournaments throughout the year hosted by other student tennis associations in the Netherlands. "Steden Tennis" is an example of this. We travel to four different cities and compete against each other.

Another tournament is the Dutch Student Tennis Championship, held in a different city each year. This year, we're heading to Amsterdam. In 2019, we hosted it here in Tilburg, attracting 650 students from across the country.

During tournaments, besides tennis, there is often a program with other activities to get to know other associations better, such as parties or a cantus.

"Brabantse gezelligeheid"

In the photo, you see us with the 90 members who attended the TUC (Tilburg University Cantus) this year. Many people consider this one of the most enjoyable cantuses in Tilburg, and members are willing to volunteer for it. This year, we assisted approximately 50 members in contributing to the 'voedselbank', allowing us to attend this cantus with a large and cheerful group.

Furthermore, we always aim to showcase the convivial atmosphere of Tilburg during our tournaments to students from across the Netherlands. Occasionally, we organize unique events, like a 'huifkar'cantus. For students from Groningen or Amsterdam, this is often something entirely new, but they usually find it incredibly enjoyable.
